Bader founded NAZDAQ in 1999 and acts as its president since then. He earned a B.Sc. in Computer Science (1991) and an MBA (2001) from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. Bader held positions in the ERP arena in Israel, the Silicon Valley, and the Boston Area, as IT manager, Senior Consultant, and Product Architect.
Added Approval functionality that covers the area where more than one person must sign certain orders, based on the amount. For example, purchase orders below the threshold amount are automatically signed by the buyer and sent out, while all other purchase orders are routed to responsible personnel for approval. Allow the use of variables in…
DetailsProgram to export for contacts, addresses and Business partners for Infor ERP Ln Program to export contacts, addresses and business partners launched for Baan 5 Program to export customers, suppliers and address books launched for Baan 4 The variable list now has all variables: document based variables and database variables. The variables can freely be…
DetailsWith this major version we introduced the Smart Engine that allows companies to automatically e-mail, fax, print and archive documents (i.e. Purchase Orders or Invoices). This powerful engine can handle any output and will perform the following: Split range into multiple documents Recognize the business partner for each document. Match it with business partner’s e-mail/fax…
DetailsAfter fixing some of the issues with the beta version, this first production version was released.