September 3, 2020
Introducing B2Report
A new application added where you can create new reports and not just perform work on existing canned reports. With B2Rerport, you can create reports without having to write SQL, where you can visually create your query and visually design your report. Output of reports could be transformed, designed and distributed inside B2Win Suite. It also includes a user-friendly system for releasing reports to the user-community for execution based on categories and permissions. More about B2Report can be found here –
ACL Permissions
We are now using ACL (Access Control List) permissions in B2Win Suite, where every entity has its own permission. This replaces the old permission system, which will be migrated for existing customers. The system includes a mechanism for giving permission to users, or to user groups.
Performance and Security improvements
The new version runs faster due to some internal changes, including improved log files. It is also more secure.
Integration with IDM
In addition to sending documents created by B2Win Suite to Microsoft SharePoint DOM system, we added the ability to send documents to IDM (Infor Document Management). Documents are sent with meta-data needed for archiving purposes. When the same document is sent to IDM more than once, it will create a new entry for the same document with a new revision.
CSV Output
We added the possibility to transforming reports to CSV, as a flavor of Excel conversion. In some scenarios, CSV is preferred over XLSX, as there are could be some other programs and scripts working already with CSV.
Custom Scripts
There is now the capability to run scripts in Java-Script after producing the document, from within B2Distribute. This is useful for companies that wish to automatically post files to custom applications. You can receive samples and assistance from NAZDAQ support.
Improvements with API
B2Win Suite can be accessed from the outside through API. In addition to Rest API, we added SOAP API. We also added Swagger capability. We also added JWT authentication.
Internal Database
We now support MySQL 8.0 (in addition to MySQL 5.6 and 5.7)
Database Connectivity
It is now easier to configure a new database connection (no need for URL). We also now support MS-SQL 8.2 Driver, PostgreSQL and additional MySQL and Oracle drivers.
Improvements with B2Win Suite Client
We released a new version of the B2Win Suite Client for connectivity with PC applications. It includes some bug fixes and a new design.
Improved B2Win Suite server Monitor A new interface for the B2Win Suite server monitor used by administrators to track system events.